Sunday 6 November 2011

NaNoWriMo Versus Downton Abbey

I don't want to appear defeatist, but I'm afraid I'm not doing so very well on this, my first, attempt at writing a novel in a month. I'm at only 5,000 words, some 5,000 words behind where I should be at the end of today. And Downton Abbey is on telly tonight. Arghhh.

But I'm not going to give up. I have the plot (nearly) I have the characters, all I need to do is sit down and write the words themselves...

1 comment:

Alison Cross said...

I got completely Downton-ed too Helena - nothing written today at all! Hope to get my 1,667 words done tonight after Blair in bed.

I need to write more during the week so that the weekend doesn't see me pacing the floor at 7am!

Keep going!

Ali x