Not quite. But I had this done for my holiday in Rome. I've had long hair for ages now I thought it was time for a change. Last time I took this bold step was about three years ago, and regretted it for a year at least afterwards. This time I decided not to go so short, and my new lovely hairdresser cut it into a soft bob.

I think its lovely. The blow dry looks great I wouldnt try to get it too perfect yourself I bet it would look great messy too. Is that your own colour ? It looks it has a good quality to it you lucky girl. I always tried to be an ash blonde its only the last two years I have let it go to natural which is more a strawberry blonde. Have a great time in Rome x
Of course it's my own colour...(she lies). I haven't yet tried it messy, I've got such curly and thick hair, it'll look like a crow's nest 'au naturel'. I might have to give it a go in Rome though, as it'll too hot for a perfect hairdo! xx
Really like the hair!
Thank you, Looking Fab, I'm getting used to it now...
You go girl (so AMERICAN, I know!) I love it! I can't really tell without a full on photo, but it looks damn good to me! I have really long hair and have "longed" to part with it.....but can't imagine seeing the shears lop off my locks. It would kill me. You are a brave soldier of the scissors. I think you'll enjoy it. It's really much freer having shorter hair. And to be a blonde....something I'll never get to do :( Do you guys have more fun? xoxoxxoxo--- One of 365
LOVE it!!! I actually just got much the same haircut...the longer pieces in the front make it look soft and kind of sexy in a "Bridgitte Bardot if she had a bob" sort of way...very chic look for Rome :)
It looks wonderful! I did the same thing not too long ago, and I'm really glad I did! (I've ALWAYS had long hair...)
It's still possible to snag it back when I want it out of my face or off my neck, but it's shorter and bouncy now, which I really like- tho of course MINE is grey and brown and yours is lovely sexy blond.
The part I like best is that when you get a good haircut, you don't have to worry about your hair because it just falls right.
Some things are worth paying for.
oh it's beautiful!! I can't bring myself to go for the chop...LLGxx
ps Muv asked me to tell you that she has given you a Blog Award on A Life Reclaimed!
A little-bitty award that I know others have given you awaits on my little ol' blog! Gosh are you popular! xoxoxoxoxoox
I've tagged you for a meme so ...pop over to my blog when you have a chance, to have a look.
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