Sunday 12 July 2009

Soup recipes please!

I've made 5 soups in two days. My daughter had maxifollical surgery on Thursday. The hospital sent her home with a pack of 24 Nutri drinks (which taste disgusting), because she's not going to be able to eat anything solid for about two weeks. I believe in the healing qualities of home cooked and preferably home-grown food. So when we brought her home on Saturday, I started her diet off with carrot and red lentil soup, then one made with bacon, brown lentils and home grown Swiss chard (she didn't know about this as she hates the stuff), blueberry kissel, roasted pepper and tomato, finally today she had (again home-grown) red and white onion soup. The strong antibiotics and painkillers she's on make her feel very nauseous, so she rarely wants to eat the same thing again.

Any new ideas will be gratefully received.


Unknown said...

maybe chicken ?

Unknown said...

I made chicken stock and used as a base for the soups. It's a great idea.

truestarr said...

Courgette soup is nice:

1 kg courgettes - any size and colour, washed peeled and chopped

250g potatoes (suitable for mashing), peeled or scrubbed and chopped

2 cloves garlic, peeled & crushed

1 medium onion, peeled & chopped (or a leek is good too)

30 ml olive oil

1 ½ pints water (or mild-flavoured stock

fresh grated nutmeg

a splash of cream (opt)
some parmesan freshly grated (opt)

cook the onion (leek) and garlic gently in the olive oil til soft and transparent; add potatoes and simmer for another 10-15 minutes or so; add courgettes and cook for about 5 minutes. cover everything with the water and bring to a boil. simmer for about 5 or 10 minutes and then liquidise the soup. season with salt pepper and fresh nutmeg. serve with a splash of cream or some fresh grated parmesan cheese on top.


Unknown said...

Thank you Jessica, we also get a glut of courgettes so this will be useful for later in the year when my daughter is on solids!Helena