Saturday 17 November 2012

My Mowember Boys

No bumfluff 'taches here!

Both the Englishman and Son are again growing moustaches this November to raise money and awareness for men's health, specifically prostate cancer and testicular cancer, through an inspirational charity called Mowember.

Last weekend, when I asked how come both of them could grow facial hair so quickly, the response was unanimous and immediate, 'Testosterone! Because we're real men!'

As a Mo Sista (a woman who loves a Mo), you have to get used to this kind of Alpha Male behaviour during Mowember. There's nothing like a bit of facial hair to make your perfectly normal partner (or Son) into a chest beating cave dweller….

Oh well, only 13 days to go.

You can support my Mos here and here.


germangreeneyedmonster said...

to be honest, I think they both look really good with the moustache :-)

Unknown said...


Through the Looking Eigen Glass said...

Moustache mowenber, looks like Gillete job. :) Great cause.

Unknown said...

Hi Anon., as long as your credit my words & link back to this blog, feel free to quote. (See Right reserved text on the left).
