This actor played a police detective in the Swedish Wallander series on BBC4. His name is Ola Rapace and he was the on-off boyfriend of Inspector Wallander's daughter Linda, played by acress Johanna Sällström who sadly took her own life early 2007.

Ola caught my eye not only because of his moorish looks but also because in the Wallander series he played the part of the angry young man, always striving to put right what was wrong, so brilliantly. The character's youth combined with his passion often led him to judge people too harshly or make decisions too quickly, but it was also this passion that made you understand that he would, in time, be a very skilful detective. His portrayal of a young guy who couldn't commit to his boss's daughter also rang true.

I'm not sure what Ola is doing now, but he has starred in an English-language film, Rancid, as well as other Swedish and Danish productions. Let's hope this talented, 38-year-old actor becomes a super star soon. You heard it here first.
Really wish we could see BBC programming. It's always so much more intelligent than Hollywood fare. Heartbeat is the only British show that we get.I love that their characters are more like real people and not all drop dead beautiful. He IS beautiful though.
I really loved the Swedish Wallander and totally agree about Ola. Much as I enjoyed watching KB in the UK version (so tortured) it somehow spoke to me much more in Swedish (although only via subtitles admittedly, my Swedish sadly faltered before it began after leaving first Uni course two weeks in!). Loving him xx
Have sky + the series and havent had a chance to watch it yet, but am looking forward to it x
oh we like Ola - and Branagh too!
Rapace... Is he related to the woman who plays Lisbeth Salander in the Millennium film(s)?
He is rather gorgeous isn't he and not that much younger than me, LOL xx
I'm glad you find this man attractive too. Have to say he is so much my type that no-one around here is particularly surprised...
Hampshireflyer, he is indeed married to Noomi Rapace who plays Lisbeth Salander.
Helena xx
Ooh, he is rather delish isn't he?
Very ornamental young man. Whatever can it be like to be beautiful? And talented, too...
V. cute. He's got a happy, laid book look about him which is really appealing.
So handsome, I could gaze at him for hours xx
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