I saw this in a car park yesterday and couldn't resist. What I found most alluring was the detail to attention. The mannequin has red lips to match her red stilettos, and red sidecar. A belt, 7/8 pants and even beads around her neck. She looked so real that I had to do a double take when I parked my car next to her.
What I couldn't help wondering though, was why? Was this the mode of transport of a particularly lonely person? Or someone so popular he or she must have a false companion to ward off unwanted attention? Or a tribute to an old girlfriend?
Questions, questions, questions.
You've got the basis there for an intriguing short story. Great photo.
Thanks Dan. But alas, I'm rubbish at short stories....the 'How I came to be in England' was meant to be one or two chapters and look at it now, we're on number 8. xx
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