Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always kept myself fit. I was an early adopter of jogging, aerobics, then step aerobics. I try to do some kind of exercise twice a week and I couldn’t live without my weekly Pilates sessions.
But I love food. My family love food and we all cook. Now son’s at home from university, we prepare veritable feasts every night and sit together around the table, drinking wine as if we were all on holiday every day. This is lovely, of course it is, but it’s not doing my body shape any favours. The jeans are getting tighter and tighter. This is not a good look.
So a couple of weeks ago I decided I’d step up the gym sessions. But instead of losing weight, I’m gaining it. And no, it’s not muscle. It’s because my mind is also playing tricks on me. Due to the increased exercise I eat even more. And I cook even more calorific treats for us all.
Like the blueberry pie above. It’s divine, especially with strong, black coffee. And, as I told myself when I made it and later when devouring it, the blueberries are good for you.
All I hope is that when son leaves us for his brilliant career in London, and daughter starts her gap year in Finland, I will not be able to justify the baking of cinnamon buns, blueberry pie, home made pasta or Dauphinoise potatoes anymore and will lose my appetite as I pine for my grown up brood.
Roll on empty nest.
Completely delicious. Food is terribly cheering - it's nurture on a plate - and the sound of cinnamon buns and blueberry pie is a siren call to the hungrily indulgent.
With Mr Trefusis away, I've fallen off the weightwitches wagon rather badly - I think I'm about 65% cake, 35% wine at the moment, but like Wilde, I find I can resist anything except temptation.
Your comments (very much like your blog) always make me laugh. Hope Mr T is due back home soon. xx
Did you really make that pie! OMG! It looks like it is out of some baking competition! It is divine. I'd workout to gain weight just to eat that too! Helena, give me the recipe. I know that isn't what I should be replying to you about--I should be sending words of encouragement to "Work Out" and "Fight The Bulge" but (and excuse my language) fuck it if you can bake like that lady! I can't even turn the oven on let alone create a masterpiece like that. You lied---that's the REAL reason your Englishman wanted you to stay with him in the UK. LOL! Will you have me over for dinner one night? PLEASE?!?!?!?!
xoxoxox as always--oneof365
You make me laugh, oneof365. I'll post the recipe here later today. Loved your Fashion Friday, and congrats on being so high up in the rankings. Well deserved. xx
There is an award for you over at my blog x
"we prepare veritable feasts every night and sit together around the table, drinking wine as if we were all on holiday every day"
Oh, I can so relate to that scenario. If I could only have to feed myself and I became allergic to wine. I understand the tight clothes issue. Great post. Kindred spirits.
Thank you Midlife Jobhunter. I love your blog name, I can relate to that. Still haven't quite decided what I'd like to be when I grow up.
That is quite the blueberry pie! Wow, I so wish I could bake like that!
I tend to gain a few pounds too whenever I'm with my whole family. It makes the pain of missing them easier to bear knowing weight loss is easier on one's own.
I understand, completely. When I'm working out, hunger will wake me in the middle of the night. The Fritos must be consumed.
And then I have to work out more...
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