Wednesday 18 January 2012

On the move - again!

I have started the sorting out - honestly...
We've finally found a place to call our own here in North London and are moving this weekend. I feel quite calm about it all, mainly because this move just cannot be as horrendous as the previous one (read all about it here), and also because this time we are not moving such a distance.

Last time the down-sizing was such a nightmare; this time we only need to be a little more sensible in what we take and what we throw away (or give away). Of course there are the usual frustrations: a lack of internet connection (Sky, true to form, are making us wait for a month - a month!), worries about the removal men actually turning up on the day, and concerns whether our furniture will get through the doors and hallways (last time we took a bit o the wall off with one of the sofas). But all of this is pretty run-of-the-mill stuff to us now.

Only one thing makes my head spin - we have to get rid of most of our books. I am not giving up my hardbacks and will sleep on top of them if need be, but the paperbacks will have to go. I have yet to make the trip to the local charity shop (why do you think I'm writing this blog post - blogging is always a good distraction), but later today I do have to sort out the books that I have to say goodbye to. It's like killing your babies....

My babies.
So wish me luck with giving up my books - and oh yes - with the move too!

PS. There may be a little break in blogging - all depending on the good people at Sky, of course.


Bicester Shopping Trip said...

I went through the same thing myself. I see your box of CDs. I actually bought some CD cases that can fit 80 inside save loads of space. I got 4 for £16 which was quite good deal. I also had to get rid of my paperbacks I took two black bin bags down the local chairty shop they couldn't believe it. The place I live in now has virtually no storage space which is frustrating.

Karen@PasGrande-Chose said...

Ouch - saying goodbye to books really hurts. Speaking of which, thanks for the great reviews in your earlier post, which has prompted some orders from Amazon for my already overflowing bookshelves. I wish you best of luck with the move, and may Sky surprise you with unprecedented efficiency!

Unknown said...

I too took the books to a charity shop and they were delighted with (I lost count how many) boxes of books. I cried...

Karen, I doubt Sky will be any different, but then we're used to t, eh?

Glad you liked my reviews - I'm planning to do many more of those in the coming year.


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